When You Read You Begin With A, B, C...
Last week something occurred that represented a milestone of sorts for me. You might even say it was a sign. Of what, you ask? Well it was a

Expect expertise, except accept the rest...
I haven’t posted anything on this blog for over a year now. Returning readers might recall I said this would be a blog that would share...
See my article on KevinMd.com about mental illness and its relationship with physician burnout!
Hi everyone. Sorry it's been (does math) about 9 months since my last post here, but I'm still here! I've just been working on other...

Make A Wish And Blow
Today is more bad than good, and not just because it’s a birthday, but because it’s a day that ends in the letter “y”. Today my brain has de

Yoga. Yogi. Vici.
Fast forward two years. Lots of therapy sessions later, and finally a stable diet of medications that seems to work on board, I begin my fir

Happy THINKSgiving!
Greetings and salutations on this, the eve of Thanksgiving 2018! As those of you traveling bravely battle the traffic, the boarding...

Still here!!
A talk about talking

It's time to get things started anew. Please read this announcement.

A New Beginning, A New Mission
The time has come to start my new direction.