The Darkness of Heart
But I suppose my point is this: Knowing about this darkness, this hopelessness, this isolation, this pain — JUST KNOWING THAT THEY EXIST — m

Lifelines or guardrails?
As I scrolled through various social media outlets, one trend clearly stood out. The posting of heartfelt messages, pleading for those in ne

Is Wellness Well Enough Alone?
On first blush, my story is not at all unique: - Aspire to be a doctor from early childhood - Work my tail off in high school and college to

Software Update: Introducing Leonard v2.0
It's time for a re-boot. Only this time we're overhauling the entire OS and wiring it with hope and fairy dust.

Nailing the Compulsories - or How I skate my way through explaining mental health
Here comes my answer to a question nobody asked me. Depression? Mental health? Come to me to be confused AF.

Should All The Quaint Rants Be Forgot...
I started this blog about 5 months ago. The response was very welcoming and encouraging. They even included some “I just might have some...
Yes and...
Last week I completed what will most likely be my last session of Improv classes. I started these a year ago on a whim. It was a blast....

Masking The Exam
In medicine we had to examine patients for important signs of disease. These signs could point us in the right direction of a diagnosis,...

What Have You Done?
English is a fascinating language. Of course by that I mean it is stupidly inconsistent. Just look at that old “I before E” nonsense or poll

Choose Survival First
I wrote this blogpost for a dear friend and medschool classmate of mine, Kathy Tsapos Parmele, MD. Her blog, www.healthyselfhealthyworld,...