The Soul Of Wit
Someone told me I should keep my blog posts short. My thanks to that someone.

Words To Live By...
A novel idea. A new way of living.

Portrait of the artist as a young man (?)
It can't all be Depression this and Depression that, right? Sometimes you need to laugh a little, and so I dug up this little gem...

Just remember that you're standing...
Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving, and revolving at 900 miles an hour...

Happy Boxing Day!
Hope everyone has been having a great holiday season, a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, a Happy Kwanzaa, a grievance-free Festivus, and j

Traders of the Posh Lark
We all have been there. Maybe you don’t go often. Maybe you’ve graduated from it, and feel you’re too old for that kind of furniture

How Bizarre, How Bazaar
AKA And now for something completely different.
(It can't all be just crash and burn fails, can it?)